DBEI/CCEB Room Request Form

DBEI/CCEB Room Request Form

Please view the Blockley Hall room schedule on the EMS scheduling system before requesting a room to be sure it is available at the time you submit your request. However, even though a room may appear available within the system, a pending request may already be in the queue. Please use this form for Blockley 235, 418, 505, 701, 840, and 940.

511 & 824 are scheduled through an Outlook Resource calendar and are not on the EMS scheduling system. 511 is currently for the exclusive use of CRCU.

Please submit request with a minimum of one week's notice. We cannot guarantee that requests submitted without sufficient notice will be confirmed. Please do not assume a request submitted is confirmed until you receive the confirmation with reference number.

If you are not going to use a room, please be sure to send notice of cancellation with reference number to ccebconf@pennmedicine.upenn.edu as soon as possible.