Investigator Identification
Previous client? *
Primary Contact
Is this information different from above?
Project Information
Please select the closest that applies.
Most Urgent deadline *
Will you be submitting a grant/funding proposal?
Is this work already funded or about to be funded?
Funding mechanism *
We are happy to meet with you to figure out how to best meet your needs.
Please tell us how we can help.
Check off as many as are appropriate. Please choose at least one.
For example:
- Conceptualize initial discussion
- Power/sample size calculations
- Data analysis plan development
- Budget estimate for grant proposal
For example:
- Coordination and training on applicable regulatory requirements
- Project time line management
- Research network development
- Site management (e.g., protocol training and implementation)
- Support for INDs/IDEs
- Support for informed consent implementation
For example:
- Translation of study protocol into a Data Management Plan
- Development of Case Report Forms and data collection processes
- Development of data processing procedures
- Development, testing, and validation of the Data Management System
- Data quality control, assurance, monitoring, and reporting
- Development of data validation procedures
- Generation of queries to clinical research staff
For example:
- Analytic dataset preparation
- Data cleaning
- Biostatistical analysis of existing data
- Summarization and interpretation of statistical results
- Manuscript review
- Preparation of public-use or repository datasets
Brief Project Description
In a sentence or two, what role do you see for the BAC in your project or proposal? If you are not sure, simply say so. If you know what data source you will use or about how much data you will collect, please provide that information.